Institute of Clinical Medicine

Our institute began its history in 1919 as a medical

faculty of Samara State University. Currently, the institute

is the leading one in the university in terms of the

number of students and trains doctors in the specialty



2,700 students study at the institute not only from the

Samara region, but also from many other regions of the

country and abroad. Full-time training is carried out both

on a budgetary and non-budgetary basis. The term of

study is 6 years.


The Institute of Clinical Medicine annually graduates up

to 400 doctors whose professional activity is to preserve

and strengthen the health of the population. Institute

graduates occupy key positions at the university and in

leading medical and diagnostic institutions of the



Medical education at the Institute of Clinical Medicine is

of high professional quality.

Konstantinov Dmitry Yurievich (Director, MD, Associate Professor)

Dmitry Yurievich

Director, MD, Associate Professor

vanov Mikhail Fedorovich (Deputy Director, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor)

Mikhail Fedorovich

Deputy Director, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

Chemidronov Sergey Nikolaevich (Deputy Director, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor)

Sergey Nikolaevich

Deputy Director, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor


443099, Samara, st. Chapaevskaya, 89

+7 846 374-10-04

ext. 4982 >

MFCO working hours

Mon-Fri – from 9 to 17:30 (lunch – from 13 to 14)
Sat-Sun – days off

Applicants >

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Dear students! Due to the unfavorable epidemiological situation, the Institute of Clinical Medicine conducts an ONLINE appointment in the 

“TELEDEAN” mode based on the Microsoft Teams platform. To do this, you need to follow the link .

Studying at the Institute of Clinical Medicine

In the specialty “Medicine” for 6 years, students master a program of 87 disciplines, including modules and elective disciplines. At the final stage of basic education, such disciplines as the basics of general medical therapeutic, surgical and obstetric-gynecological activities allow you to form an individual trajectory of specialist training, expand knowledge and skills in the profession chosen in the future.

In 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016 and 2018, the Institute’s educational program was recognized as the “Best Educational Program of Innovative Russia” by the National Center for Professional Public Accreditation.


Open Doors Day online at the Institute of Clinical Medicine of the Samara State Medical University

There are many opportunities here to make the dreams of everyone who comes to study with us come true. First of all, these are dozens of departments where hundreds of highly qualified specialists, known not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad, work and teach students.


The educational process is conducted in 7 educational buildings, as well as at 15 clinical bases in leading medical institutions, where students can practice the achievements of modern medicine and gain experience in communicating with patients. The main educational base of the institute is the Clinics of the Samara State Medical University. It is in the Clinics of Samara State Medical University that professional skills and high technologies are concentrated, as well as the unity of fundamental science and clinical medicine.


The Institute employs 92 Doctors of Science and 183 Candidates of Science, the degree of teaching staff is one of the highest in Russia – 89%.


Education combines classical teaching methods with innovative programs and simulation technologies, which allows for effective training of students. The system for assessing the educational achievements of students is constantly being improved through the introduction of methods for mastering clinical competencies, taking into account world practice (multiple choice tests – MCQ, mini-clinical exam, objective structured clinical exam – OSCE).


Students and staff closely interact with the center for breakthrough research, the research and production technopark, as well as scientific and educational centers of the country.


The Institute’s mission today is to train highly professional medical personnel based on the best examples of domestic and foreign medical education and science, generate knowledge, create and implement high-tech diagnostic and treatment technologies into practice.


If you are humane and merciful, able to cultivate stamina and endurance in yourself, optimistic, love people, lead a healthy lifestyle and want to be a good doctor, the Samara State Medical University Institute of Clinical Medicine is open for you!


Every year more than 100 students of the institute actively participate in student exchanges (more than 30 countries of the world). Samara State Medical University cooperates with the non-profit organization “National Union of Medical Students”, which is a member of the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA). In recent years, warm friendly relations have developed between the Samara State Medical University and the University. Gotse Delchev (Shtip, Macedonia), Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University (Vitebsk, Belarus) and Tashkent Medical Academy (Tashkent, Uzbekistan).


The university maintains close cooperation with these foreign centers on methodological, pedagogical, scientific and innovative work, which strengthens international ties. For students, practical training is organized in leading medical institutions abroad.


Samara State Medical University is a university of a healthy lifestyle! Our students actively attend many sports sections, work out in gyms and fitness centers of the university. Football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis and other sports competitions are held monthly, where students and staff of the institute always win cups and medals. Every year, comfortable university dormitories win prizes in city competitions.

In their free time, students of the institute are actively engaged in creative activities, realizing their versatile talents – they perform at student concerts, participate in intellectual games, KVN games.


Scientific work at the institute

The departments that carry out the educational process at the institute employ well-known medical scientists in our country and abroad . This is Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences G. P. Kotelnikov , professors: F. N. Gilmiyarova , V. D. Ivanova , A. P. Chernov , E. A. Stolyarov , V. I. Belokonev , M. A. Barskaya , Yu. Schukin , T. A. Fedorina , S. I. Dvoinikov , M. B. Pryanichnikova , V. M. Malov , A. N. Vachev , A. V. Zhestkov , I. L. Davydkin , and N. O. ZakharovaV. A. Melnikov , V. F. Pyatin , S. V. Kozlov , A. A. Suzdaltsev , D. V. Pechkurov , E. V. Orlov , I. E. Poverennova , V. V. Simerzin and many others other.

The employees of the institute stood at the origins of such an important branch of modern medicine as gerontology and geriatrics. Monographs and books of our professors are in great demand among practitioners of various specialties, helping students to decide on their future profession.

The staff of the departments of the institute actively carries out scientific and medical work. Patents are issued for new inventions, utility models and computer programs, new standards for the treatment of diseases are being developed, textbooks are being published, methodological recommendations are being published, and various clinical studies are being conducted. During the years of the existence of the university, scientific and pedagogical schools were formed , known not only in our country, but also abroad.

For many years, a scientific and pedagogical reserve of the university has been formed at the institute from the student’s bench. Students who, after completing their studies, want not only to treat patients, but also to teach students and engage in science in the future, can be enrolled in groups of the scientific and pedagogical reserve from the 3rd year. Students of such groups, in addition to the main educational program, need to master additional elective and elective classes provided for by the curriculum, which are aimed at preparing “… Doctor, Teacher, Scientist …” that meets modern international requirements.

To expand their knowledge, students of the institute have the opportunity to engage in student scientific circles in the disciplines of interest. To increase the level of motivation, the interest of students at the university in their chosen profession and stimulate creative growth, intra-university, inter-cluster and all-Russian Olympiads are held in therapy, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, infectious diseases and other disciplines; competitions of professional skills, in which the students of the institute actively participate and demonstrate theoretical knowledge, practical skills, erudition and competence.

Excellent students and actively participating in scientific life are awarded nominal scholarships: the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Governor of the Samara Region, the rector of the Samara State Medical University, the name of the outstanding professors of the Samara State Medical University, the founders of the scientific and pedagogical schools of the university: academicians I. B. Soldatov , corresponding members of the Medical Academy sciences T. I. Eroshevsky and  M. V. Sergievsky , professors G. L. Ratner , A. M. Aminev , S. V. Shestakov and others.

After completing their studies, the best students get places in residency, graduate school, become scientists in the fundamental areas of science: biochemistry, microbiology, normal physiology, pharmacology, pathological physiology, and others.
