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Innovation infrastructure and activities
In order to increase the effectiveness of the scientific and technological activities of the Samara State Medical University (hereinafter referred to as the University) and to support the process of creating and transferring new technologies to the healthcare system, the Institute for Innovative Development (hereinafter referred to as the Institute) was organized. During its work, it has become an integrative platform both for the actual innovation process at the university, and for the development of current areas of medical science, the formation of unique competencies in interdisciplinary areas, the development of a new high-tech business, and the organization of an educational process of an innovative type.
The management of the innovation infrastructure and the organization of the innovation activities of the University are entrusted to the Director of the Institute, Associate Professor Chaplygin Sergei Sergeevich.
To organize and control the implementation of the University’s policy in the innovation sphere, 4 departments were created in the structure of the Institute:
Department of Technology Transfer;
Marketing department;
Grant and contract activities support department;
Department of project management, production and engineering.
Within the framework of maintaining the strategy of the full cycle of project support “from idea to serial sample”, subdivisions were organized under the functional subordination of the Institute.
Subdivisions in the functional subordination of the Institute of Innovative Development
Center for Breakthrough Research “Information Technologies in Medicine” (CPI “IT-medicine”)
Department of Virtual Technologies;
Laboratory of Virtual and Augmented Reality Technologies;
Laboratory of educational projects;
3D modeling laboratory;
Department of Neural Interfaces and Applied Neurophysiology;
Laboratory of Applied Neurophysiology and Neurotechnology;
Laboratory of neurointerfaces;
Department of Neural Interfaces and Applied Neurophysiology;
Laboratory of Applied Neurophysiology and Neurotechnology;
Laboratory of neurointerfaces;
Department of High Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Medicine;
Department of analysis and processing of medical data and systems of SPPVR;
Department for the development of neurorehabilitation projects;
Department of development of medical navigation systems;
Department of telemedicine services;
Web development department.
Research and Education Centers (RECs)
REC “Additive technologies in medicine”;
REC “Medical diagnostic microsystems”.
Main scientific and innovative directions of development
A research program for assessing human behavior using augmented and virtual reality technologies.
Product development for industrial security, educational and medical institutions, HR services based on virtual and augmented reality technologies.
Solutions for automating medical and diagnostic processes: decision support systems in cardiology, oncology, radiology.
Medical imaging systems (CAD systems).
Services using artificial intelligence technologies, big data.
Telemedicine and services for remote monitoring of a person’s condition, including hardware solutions.
Medical and social rehabilitation of patients of various groups.
Industrial design focused on aesthetics, functionality and end user requirements.
The most significant implemented projects
System for automated planning, management and control of the results of surgical treatment.
Multisensory virtual reality simulator for passive rehabilitation of persons with impaired motor function of the lower extremities, as well as those with spatial orientation disorders and visual impairments.
Multisensory simulator for active motor rehabilitation and habilitation of persons for the restoration of the musculoskeletal system.
Interactive 3D anatomical training complex “Pirogov”.
“Surgera VR” Virtual Surgeon
Simulator of open surgery (tracheostomy and conicotomy operations).
Primary Debridement VR Simulator
The Simulator fully simulates the emergency debridement operation.
VR simulator for practicing communication skills by medical personnel
The simulator was created to teach the target audience how to solve patients’ problems, develop behavioral attitudes in unforeseen and conflict situations with different types of patient temperaments, and increase the level of communicative competencies.
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