Career at Samara State Medical

We have formed a unique community of scientists, teachers, doctors and

innovators: both experienced professionals and young professionals with a

modern vision of the world work here.


Samara State Medical University confirmed its leadership in the system of higher

education in Russia by winning grants for state support of over a billion rubles a

year. We have won the competition for the creation of the centers of the National

Technology Initiative, and earlier we became the best in the competition of leading

research centers.


Join our team!

Not just a university

samara state university(sam smu)

We create the medicine of the future by developing high technologies and preserving the

traditions of education and science. We ensure sustainable development, training of highly

qualified specialists, improving the health and quality of life of people.

Samara State Medical University

Who works for us

Samara State Medical University

Goals and values ​​of Samara State Medical University

The strategic goal of the university is leadership in the creation of advanced scientific

knowledge, world-class educational technologies, the development and implementation of

the best innovative solutions in practical healthcare.

Values ​​of Samara State Medical University


Psychological comfort and social protection of

our employees is an important part of work at Samara State Medical University. We value everyone’s contribution to the common cause.


Our university is a center for the preservation and continuity of academic values, mentoring, and the development of scientific and educational schools.


We have an open and accessible ecosystem that encourages professional growth and leadership development.

Choose your path

We need a variety of specialists. Choose your development path and grow with us!

Success stories

There are more than 3 thousand of us, and each employee has his own story of overcoming
and victories. Find out what our colleagues live and strive for.

Corporate and sports life

Corporate events at Samara State Medical University are an opportunity to communicate

with colleagues in an informal setting, share new ideas, have fun and relax. These bright

moments remain in memory for a long time.

Where do we work

The buildings and bases of the university are located in convenient locations with
developed infrastructure. Here are the main ones.
Samara State Medical University

Chapaevskaya, 89

The historical buildings of the Samara State Medical University attract not only with their beauty. Administrative and academic life is in full swing here.

Samara State Medical University

Karl Marx, 165B

In the Clinics of Samara State Medical University, we provide medical care in 26 profiles, using high technologies.

Samara State Medical University

Gagarina, 18

The main campus of the university is located in several buildings at once. Students of Samara State Medical University study and live here.

Samara State Medical University

Artsybushevskaya, 171

Innovative products and digital technologies are created here, which have already declared themselves throughout the country.

Samara State Medical University

Tukhachevsky, 226

The humanitarian direction of the university’s activities originates in this building.

Samara State Medical University

Chapaevskaya, 227

A legendary building where breakthrough research is carried out, and students take their first steps in the profession.

Address of the rector of Samara State Medical

The most important thing about our university in the first person.

Our work is

Employee care

We offer a decent salary according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the opportunity to use the medical care of the doctors of the Clinics of the Samara State Medical University, as well as the privileges of the trade union.


Our employees are continuously trained at the expense of the organization. The best get into the personnel reserve and get the opportunity to develop a career.

Focus on innovation

We introduce technologies in science and medicine, conduct our own research, master the world's leading developments.

We are Family

Each employee, student, veteran is a member of a large and friendly SamSMU Family - this is the main idea that unites everyone at SamSMU.

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